It’s what we’re all about: education and inclusion over stigma and elitism.
We serve wholehearted kinksters who are here to become a better Dom or sub and want to make the BDSM community a better place.
Core Value #1
Consent is sacred.
We feel strongly that everything from a small kinky act, to a full 24/7 Total Power Exchange relationship, should be agreed upon by consenting adults. It is the job of all of us to make sure that consent is being upheld. Whether that be for our partner, our friends, strangers, or even ourselves. We encourage everyone to never hold back from affirming permission and speaking up when necessary.
Core Value #2
Kindness is the foundation for everything we do.
The “vanilla” world can be cruel and mean. We strive to be different and treat others with respect and decency. Kindness also means sharing vital knowledge to help educate and empower others on their BDSM and kink journey.
Core Value #3
We look for acceptance of our differences instead of judgment.
Our personal kinks, roles, limits, and relationships are what makes us each unique. While we may not always like the same things, we do not shame anyone or tolerate shaming. The BDSM community has the saying, “Your kink isn’t my kink, and that’s OK.” We believe that to our core.
Core Value #4
We advocate against sexual violence and oppression in all forms.
BDSM has absolutely nothing to do with abuse, incest, and non-consensual rape. That’s why we use our platform, time, and resources to spread awareness about issues that matter and take action against sexual harassment and assault. We believe that it should be a basic right for everyone to be able to live their life freely and feel safe and respected.
Core Value #5
We are dedicated to serving the BDSM community.
The foundation of our company was built on the simple idea that we wanted to give back to the community that gave us so much. We are constantly striving to create a deeper sense of community with the people we serve. Our aim is to help others feel welcome, so we all can live our fullest lives.
Like what we stand for?

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