3 Big Myths About BDSM That Are Holding You Back (Ep. 5)

3 Big Myths About BDSM That Are Holding You Back


In this episode of my podcast, I share a personal story about the myths and limiting beliefs that held me back in the early stages of my own Dom/sub relationship. Today, I want to delve deeper into these myths and discuss how you can break free from their grasp, embrace your unique identity, and make BDSM a fulfilling lifestyle.


  • My personal experience of feeling nervous and hesitant to attend a BDSM event as a newbie.
  • The importance of being honest about your experience level.
  • The misconception that BDSM is only for a specific type of person.
  • How societal norms, religious beliefs, and political influence can contribute to stigma.
  • Challenging your own limiting beliefs and stepping out of your comfort zones.

Myth 1: You Must be Experienced to be Part of the BDSM Community

One common misconception among beginners is the belief that you must be experienced or have a deep understanding of BDSM before entering the community. This myth often leads to feelings of inadequacy and self-consciousness. I want you to know that everyone starts as a beginner. Even the veterans you see in the community began their journey with curiosity and a desire to learn.

So, don’t let these feelings discourage you! Embrace your beginner status, be honest about your experience level, and approach the community with an open mind and willingness to learn.

Myth 2: BDSM is Only for a Specific Type of Person

Another myth that held me back was the belief that BDSM is only for a specific type of person. This myth manifests in various forms, such as age, body type, gender, or disability. The truth is, BDSM is for everyone who is a consenting adult. It is a diverse community, welcoming individuals of all ages, sizes, genders, and abilities.

Don’t let society’s stereotypes dictate your participation in the lifestyle. Embrace your unique identity and desires, and know that you belong just as much as anyone else.

Myth 3: BDSM is Immoral or Unethical

Possibly the most damaging myth is the belief that BDSM is immoral or unethical. Many of us have been conditioned by society, politics, and even religion to view BDSM as deviant or wrong. However, as long as all activities are consensual and within legal boundaries, BDSM is an ethically sound lifestyle.

In fact, studies have shown that couples who practice BDSM often have stronger relationships and increased sexual satisfaction. It is essential to break free from these societal stigmas and embrace the joy and fulfillment that BDSM can bring to your life.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Myths

Now that we have debunked these myths, it’s crucial to reflect on any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Ask yourself, are there beliefs or excuses that are preventing you from taking action towards your desires? It’s normal to have doubts or fears, but remember that you have the power to overcome them.

To assist you on your journey, I invite you to explore my free resource library. This valuable collection includes videos, workbooks, worksheets, and guides to help you navigate the world of BDSM, improve your skills, and gain confidence in your role as a dominant or submissive.

Click here to access the free resource library

Finding True Liberation in Your Dom/sub Lifestyle

In this episode, we explored the myths and limiting beliefs that often hinder individuals from fully embracing the Dom/sub lifestyle. I hope sharing my own experiences and hopes inspired you to break free from these misconceptions and embrace your authentic self.

Remember, you don’t need experience, fit a certain mold, or feel shame for your desires. The BDSM community is a diverse and welcoming space for all consenting adults.

By challenging these myths, you can unlock your true potential and enjoy the benefits of a fulfilling Dom/sub relationship. Embrace your power and pleasure, and always remember to practice BDSM with consent, safety, and open communication.

Links From the Episode:

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